The 5 hidden secrecy of space

भिडियो हेर्न तलको बक्सभित्र किल्क गर्नुहोस

We cannot even imagine that this space has huge secrecy. And it’s many secrecy is not yet solved by the scientist too. When was this formed, What type of shape it is, Do this have the end or not, if it is going to end then when? This question’s answers are still secret. The research on this happened but due to the insufficient technology the scientist are not sure about it. After the earth was evolved there are many secrets and amazing thing happening. On that this 5 things are becoming the subject of interest to the scientist as well.
1.The origin of universe
There is the natural rule that with every origin there is the ending. The different religion has different perception about the origin of universe.
And for the scientist there is various principle about the origin of universe. There are uncountable starts on the universe on which on our sky we have around 1 kharab stars and in the universe minimum 1 kharab 40 arab starts are alive according to the scientist. If this starts is supposed as seed than the universe is filled with the starts exhibition. But this is everyone’s assumption.
So how did that unexpectable universe created? To find this answers many scientist has done the efforts and they developed their own perception and they have their own principles for this.
Around 14 Arab years ago the every elements of the universe were busted from same point and was developed. Before the burst the elements and the energy on it was unexpectable. After the burst the elements that came from this is spread and in every seconds the area and the temperature increased and the time and space was developed. After this the power like gravity was born. The energy taken out from it was change to the material and the anti material.
On few seconds it became proton and neutron and after few minutes this protein neutron gets connected to each other which formed hydrogen and nuclei. After 3 lakh years those center pulled other electron and atom formed from which the whole universe covered with the cloud of hydrogen and helium. After this hydrogen and helium got reacted with many other electrons and new elements are formed. This principle is called Big Bang theory. This principle formed the universe is still not proved by any scientist. But many of the scientist follow this principle. According to this principle still the universe will be extended. Every starts, planets, sun are buckshot of that burst. Even the earth is one of the buckshot which is being extended.
2. The shape of the universe
According to big bang theory this universe is still extending and the shape is still spreading. So the shape of this universe is still not found, the shape might be limit but the due to the spreading condition scientist tells that the shape might have no limits. Till now according to the technology the universe has the dimension of 19 arab light years which is called observable universe by the scientist. The space that can be seen is so great that from one corner to another this travel 3 lakh kilometer in one second.
But whole shape of universe is bigger than this which is still been unable to be measured by any technology.
3. Black hole
The one of the secret thing or the incident that is in the universe is black hole as well. What is this and how it is formed is just been one of the concept.
According to scientist black hole is one of the areas in the space on which due to the extreme gravity the light cannot be passed through it. According to the Einstein “General Theory of Relativity” the unlimited body, high density and extreme gravity of the black body is called the black hole. There is the unlimited gravity so the light cannot pass through it so to see this in the space the modern technology is required. Event Horizon is found around the black hole. This is the line of the black-hole. The subject which enters inside this won’t return back so this line is called Point of No Return. Event horizon is based on the shape of the black hole. Every planets including the earth revolves the sun and the black hole is on of the center of every so the scientist tells that the entire body, star, sun, earth revolve around the black hole.
4. Dark matter and Dark Energy
In this 20 century it has been proved that the start is shifting their place and this universe is being amplified. Again in 1990 it has been found that the amplification of the universe is increasing. The parts of the energy is staying on one shape which is called dark energy. Similarly the main body of this is staying on unidentified way which is called dark matter.
This universe is made of dark energy, dark element and simple element. Simple elements like atom, star, planet is capturing 4.9% of the universe only. But the specialty of dark energy, dark matter is still not found. This elements capture the 26.8% of the universe.
Similarly the energy of the empty place- Dark energy which continues the universe occupies 68.3% of the universe. Other information about this matter is still not found.
5. Is there life out of the Earth?
Our earth is made of of 50,00,00,00,000 star alcove. This is one of the assumption. In every star alcove around 100000000000 to 1000000000000 stars. In our star alcove of the sky only 100000000 planets exists. In this big universe it is the question that only we are alive or the other are alive as well. To get this answer the scientist has studied about it outside the earth or the other planet. It has found that there was a life in a mars but yet no aliens are found.
What is called life this perception is also playing the important role. So the scientist has changed the definition of life and are doing their research on the life out of the earth.
There is the possibility of having the life but not like ours. Even in the earth the UFO and alien are seen this news has been published as well. But this things are not proved yet, many of them thinks the helicopter, plane, balloon etc as an alien. They feel like this is the alien.

भिडियो हेर्न तलको बक्सभित्र किल्क गर्नुहोस



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